Friday, June 26, 2009

The World Needs People With Disabilities

I feel that the world needs people with disabilities. A lot of people with disabilities have a job, and many more are capable of being a part of the general workforce. A lot of my disabled comrades work at Tim Horton's. My friends and I see them when we go there, and they do a really good job, as well. That's not all. I have a disability, and I work. I clean parking lots for two hours in the mornings, for most days out of the week. I also volunteer once a week, for $100 a month and I'm also planning on selling my crafts at the flea market, sometime before Christmas. I think and feel that anybody who wants a job should have one, whether they have a disability or not. We are not a threat to the economy, and the economy would be a lot stronger, if all of my disabled comrades who wanted a job was given the opportunity to work. The first thing that we need, is more babies, with and without disabilities to be brought into this world. The second step is that every child must be raised to believe that they have something to offer to the world and the economy, from the time that they start kindergarten, until they graduate from high school. We'd have less autistic hippies and more autistic employees who are around the age of 17 or 18. I also feel that all prenatal testing has to be stopped, now. I think that it should be billed as a hate crime. It's called genocide. People with Down Syndrome are just as capable of holding down jobs, as well as the general population of employees. Some of them work in offices. How about people in wheelchairs who have little use of their bodies? These people can become very good authours or narrators. The authours can hire scribes to type their words, and the narrators can narrate a movie or a story by reading from a script. The world needs people with disabilities.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Last Night's Purchase

Dean, Barb and I went to church for a couple of hours, yesterday evening and we went to Wal-Mart, afterwards. I just knew that I had to buy 'My Weight Loss Coach' for the Nintendo DS. I've been trying to lose weight on my own, for the past two years. I've even tried to rejoin Weight Watchers, three times. They just keep on changing the programme. Over the past 6 years, they've gone from 'Winning Points' to 'Flex Points' to 'The No Counting Plan' to 'Momentum'. It gets a little confusing, after a while. With the 'My Weight Loss Coach' game, I know that I won't get any unexpected surprise changes, like I had to deal with, while going to Weight Watchers. I think that I'm going to be able to lose the weight that I want, and keep it off for good, this time. :o)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Green Smarties

Tonight, I was out with my friends and I've bought myself a box of Smarties. There were no green or blue Smarties. Those are my two favourite colours. I won't be buying them again, until they bring back the green ones. They had all the girly colours. How I hate girly colours. I'm putting myself on Google News alerts for green smarties.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Abbotsford Walk for Life

One of my best friends, Dean and I went to the Abbotsford Walk for Life, yesterday. There was the 4K route and the 8K route. We decided to walk the 4K. There were cookies and water melon and balloons. I was looking at all the babies that were saved, that brought a smile to my face. I think that every baby that's conceived has the right to life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness . Dean and I are also going to a Pro-Life barbecue tonight. :o)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Little Bit About Me


You probably know me as CockneyRebel from I'm not giving out my real name quite yet. If I give out my real name this early on, than my high school bullies might decide to send me viruses. You know what some bullies think about people who are different from the norm.

This blog is a great opportunity for people around the world to get to know me and to learn a few things along the way.

I'm 34 years old, I live on my own and I work part-time. I volunteer once a week, and I also have a loom knitting hobby that I can make money off of, as well. I also have a high functioning form of autism called Asperger's. What that means is that I'm agerage to above in intelligence, but at the same time, I can be very blunt about my opinions. I'm willing to listen to what others have to say, though.

I'm Pro-Life, which is why Autism Speaks does not speak for me, and I'm also Pr0-Family.

I have one sister and a neice, both of my parents are alive, as well as my Grandpa, Nana and my other Grandma. I also have a dog named Chico. :o)

I have quite a few special interests, but the one that stands out is the London Routemaster.

As you can all see, pea green is my favourite colour.

I also like to watch movies, as well. Fl.ushed Away is my favourite movie, and my favourite character in the movie, is Sid. Sid the rat is pretty much everything about me, crammed into the body of a chubby little humanized rat. :o)

On that note, I'll sign off for now and I'll be back tomorrow.
